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Showing posts from February, 2012

Judge Away Your Honor!

Lately, i have been wondering a lot about all the judgments we pass around every now and then about so many things, so many people we may or may not know.. Passing judgments has always been a quality we humans have preserved generations after generations. we judge people on so many different levels.. it can be as harmless as ' the lady from the 3rd floor has no sense of fashion' or as serious an accusation as ' her husband is a jackass ' to an extra insensitive one as 'my boss is a loner'.. The thing is, most of the times we don't even realize that our judgments are based on some preconceived notions. Judging essentially means to 'assess something against a standard'. who is to decide this standard? who is to say whats proper/improper , what is meant to be and what should have been in its stead.. try an Exercise : try not to judge anyone for a day! -- You wont make past your first hour at work! and u'd shortly begin with your usual, ...