Was free the whole day yesterday.. a centipede from a jungle on national highway bit me while i was busy 'clickin' my dog !! DONT ASK! Anyway i decided to do the never ending job of organizing my lappy last night.. I have an entire drive by the name MEMORIES.. opened it and started organizing photos.. school days, family picnics, My pet Dog, cousin's wedding, reunion pics, birthday parties, sleepovers, there were so many memories in those folders.. though they brought a smile on my face none of them made me feel like i miss those moments until i came across a certain folder.. My engineering life.. Brought a lump in my thorat thinking about how everythng so familiar and awesome has come to an end... no more train-takshari.. no more classroom comments.. no more mimicry of 'dear' professors.. no more calling them names, deciding whoz 'on the other side of the fence'.. proving your theories about one of the classmates being gay.. No more studying in group for v...