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Beautiful Days... Beautiful Times..

Was free the whole day yesterday.. a centipede from a jungle on national highway bit me while i was busy 'clickin' my dog !! DONT ASK!

Anyway i decided to do the never ending job of organizing my lappy last night..
I have an entire drive by the name MEMORIES..
opened it and started organizing photos.. school days, family picnics, My pet Dog, cousin's wedding, reunion pics, birthday parties, sleepovers, there were so many memories in those folders..
though they brought a smile on my face none of them made me feel like i miss those moments until i came across a certain folder..
My engineering life..
Brought a lump in my thorat thinking about how everythng so familiar and awesome has come to an end...
no more train-takshari..
no more classroom comments..
no more mimicry of 'dear' professors..
no more calling them names, deciding whoz 'on the other side of the fence'..
proving your theories about one of the classmates being gay..
No more studying in group for vivas..
no more 'kya bakwas college hai yaar apna'..
staircase masti with juniors..
bunkin lectures and drinkin coffee in canteen..
hiding when you see a prof enter the canteen whoz lecture you were supposed to attend..
Spent so many memorable moments here..
Most of my engineering days were spent fooling around with friends..
teasing, passing comments, discussing movies, those countless smses during lectures..
The list is never ending..

Its overwhelming to think how everythng is going to change hereafter.. A new life awaits all of us.. new office, new friends, THE BOSS.. we do promise each other that we will meet atleast once a month but every senior says 'that never happens' :-(
i just hope things work out in a great way for us and that
someday our paths cross..
someday i hope we get a chance to meet and relive our college days..
someday we go out on one of our treks or go cycling, biking whtever and sing all those made up songs again !
someday we sleepover and discuss those horror stories.. those uncountable linkups... just once again we get to do all that..


  1. well written! :)
    Nostalgic even I am right now after having read this!
    no more crossing those tracks :)no more sight of the beauty parlour lady on the way to college..
    I need the vid you recorded, our rickshaw travel to college...
    no more sitting on those college stairs, no more canteen ka schezwan rice, no more assignments and write-ups ka donkey work, no more 6.57's!!!
    However it was, the college life was fun indeed!and just yesterday we were discussing(at peth trek which you couldnt make it :D ), college ne sabki vaat nahi lagaayi, atleast apne group ka achcha hi hua hai!!!
    get well soon cos we want you for the weekend trip!

  2. well written!! actly took me bak in memories!! d "RO MAT JO" to "SIDHI BAITH"..d "YAAR AAJ BHI NAHI AAYEGI KYA! MUM SE BAAT KARNA"!! i knw av lost many moments of bng wid u all! but i do cherish d moments wenever av been in! d dance practice!! d bird watching(tho nt worth in K.G.C.E..:P)..d fights on "GROUPISM" changing frm a girl who wore only salwar kameez to d girl who rarely wore dem..:P...u teasin me all d tym!! d "ROBOTS" and "JUNIORS" sure years down d lyn all dis may seem so so childish stupid n also nt imp! but i knw dis dat nothin in d world can give me d happiness i felt wen i saw my frnds smiling at me in d mornin wen catchin a train..hw i forgt all fights i had wen i cud jus see my frnds talkin 2 me smilin at me on d platform early mornin! dat surely made my day!! these memories wud neva b lost! n m happy to hav found such lovely frnds!! :D:D:D

  3. we do.. But every good thing has to come to an end. :-)


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